Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Certifeka! Before you begin your learning journey with us, please take a moment to read and understand the terms and conditions that apply to your chosen learner tier/package.

Course Library

1. Timeline

Your subscription is on a monthly basis, with automatic renewal. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

2. Access to Course Content:

Upon subscribing, you will have immediate access to one course content.

3. Refund Policy:

 - You are eligible for a refund within 7 days from the original subscription day.
   - No refunds will be provided for any unused subscription period.

4. Course Content:

 - You will receive one course certificate of completion by Certifeka per month.
   - You can enroll in and access only one course at a time.
   - Once you have completed the current course, you may access another course.
   - The maximum number of courses you can access in a month is two.

5. Cancellation and Extension:

  - To avoid being billed for another month, you must cancel your subscription before the next renewal date.
   - Certifeka does not offer extensions to the subscription period.
   - Cancellation requests should be initiated by the user through the website.

By subscribing to Certifeka, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Please make sure to read our Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct as well. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing Certifeka as your learning platform. We look forward to helping you achieve your educational goals!

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Professional Certificate - Terms and Conditions


1. You will have access to the Certifeka platform and course content for a period of 45 days.
2. If needed, you may request a 7-day extension, which will be granted at the discretion of our community specialist.
3. You are entitled to submit two assignments for evaluation during your subscription.
4. We aim to deliver your CMI (Certifeka Membership and Certification) within 10 days of successfully completing your course.
5. Also, a certificate of completion from Certifeka is auto generated upon completion of Course content.

Refund Policy:

1. You can request a refund within 7 days of your initial subscription date.
2. No refunds will be provided for any unused portion of your subscription period.


1. You will have access to one course during your subscription.
2. We recommend submitting your assignment within week 4 of your subscription for the best experience.

Cancellation and Extension:

1. You can request a 7-day extension if needed.
2. If you decide to cancel, please initiate the cancellation process through the Certifeka website.


1. Assignment verification will be completed within 7 business days, either internally or externally.
2. If you wish to submit additional assignments beyond the included two, a fee of $75 per extra assignment submission will apply.

Important Notes:

If you are unable to submit your assignment within the 52-day period (subscription period + extension), you will be given a 1-month allowance period to submit it. The decision to extend the assignment period beyond this will be at the discretion of the Community Specialist.
By subscribing to the Certifeka Professional Certificate Tier, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Be sure to review our Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct as well. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team.
Thank you for choosing Certifeka to advance your expertise and career!
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Certifeka Expert Tracks - Terms and Conditions


1. Your subscription grants you 3 months of full access to the Certifeka platform and its content.
2. A 7-day extension can be granted upon request.
3. You are entitled to submit two assignments for each course you enroll in.
4. We aim to deliver your CMI (Certifeka Membership and Certification) within 10 days of successfully completing your course.

Refund Policy:

1. You can request a refund within 7 days of your initial subscription date.
2. Please note that no refunds will be provided for any unused portion of your subscription period.


1. In this tier, you will have access to a full track of 3 courses.
2. For the best experience, we recommend submitting your assignments within week 3 of your subscription.
3. Also, a certificate of completion for each course in the track from Certifeka is auto generated upon completion of Course content.

Cancellation and Extension:

1. You have the option to request a 7-day extension if needed.
2. If you decide to cancel, the cancellation process must be initiated through the Certifeka website.


1. Assignment verification will be completed within 7 business days, either internally or externally.
2. Assignment verification is subject to a fee of 150 EGP per assignment.
3. If you wish to submit additional assignments beyond the included two, a fee of $75 per extra assignment submission will apply.

Important Notes:

If you are unable to submit your assignment within the 97-day period (subscription period + extension), you will be given a 1-month allowance period to submit it. The decision to extend the assignment period beyond this will be at the discretion of the Community Specialist.
By subscribing to the Certifeka Expert Tier, you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions. Please also review our Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct. If you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.
Thank you for choosing Certifeka to advance your expertise and career!